We need your help in supporting Designers in the middle which is a social, educational, non profit platform and supports the creative industry in the Middle East.
Designers in the Middle is a non-political platform. We strives to share creativity and we support the creative industry in the Middle East.  We are a group of professional designers, architects and makers from the Middle East who strongly believe that design and culture are an essential tool to connect people and improve lives. We promote creativity and Levantine design as we encourage discussion and collaboration.
Since 2016, Designers in the Middle presented a series of talks at the Design Museum London, The Victoria & Albert Museum, The Javits Centre in NYC and we were invited by Zaha Hadid Architects to talk about ‘Collaborations’ during the London Festival of Architecture at the Aga Khan Centre.

In June 2021, we were invited to present DITM at the London Design Biennale held at the Somerset House in London. Our pavilion ‘Stream of Consciousness’ presented the Casbah theme at the Embankment gallery over 150sqm. The pavilion was designed and produced during the pandemic.

We keep on working, we keep on sharing as we strongly believe in communicating design. With your support, we will be able to continue to promote Levantine design and culture from the Middle East.

We really appreciate your support.